The Programme “New Channels for Integration” is implemented in the period July 2020 – December 2021 for the ninth consecutive cycle of activities. It builds on the valuable experiences of previous years, the relations of mutual trust and communication with individual TCNs and their organised groups, but also the participative ethos of TCN communities themselves.

The Programme delivers multiple actions designed to support different dimensions of the process of integration of TCNs in Cypriot society.

Hundreds of TCNs are expected to benefit from the following programme’s actions in the current period of implementation:

  • Social care and psycho-social support services for adults and children
  • Seminars offering training, education, empowerment and orientation
  • Opportunities for intercultural exchange, acquaintance and interaction with the local population
  • Cultural identity preservation programmes for children of TCNs
  • Workshops for creative expression and acquaintance with culture
  • Νetworking and collaboration activities between organised and informal groups of TCNs with Local Authorities and other local organisations.

The Programme is implemented as a collaborative project by Nicosia Municipality, as the Coordinator – Final Beneficiary, and its partners Engomi Municipality, Nicosia Municipal Multifunctional Foundation and the consultants «NVK Advent Consulting» and “Losadeal Ltd“ as Final Beneficiaries. It is co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the EU (90%) and the Republic of Cyprus (10%).